Emotional Freedom Can Be Yours Today!
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a powerful modality that allows your body to quickly discharge unwanted or unpleasant emotions. Just as your positive emotional state can benefit your physiology for the better, your mood can likewise effect your health when you experience negative emotions. It's important for your wellbeing to "shake off" the negative energies. EFT is a simple and powerful way to do so!
Rewrite your past, transform your future!
Matrix Reimprinting is a process that uses EFT to discharge and transform unpleasant or problematic memories for an individual. Physical and emotional issues often stem from unresolved emotional disturbances, so releasing and transforming the stress around these events is important in sustaining emotional and physical wellbeing.
Is it your first time trying EFT or Matrix?
Ask about a special introductory offer!
How it works
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (EFT) or “tapping” – EFT is a fast and easy way of discharging emotional distress, traumatic memories, limiting beliefs, and negative thoughts. It also works to resolve the underlying causes of many physical issues. EFT can be described as an emotional form of acupuncture (without the needles!), allowing the body to smooth out energy imbalances that contribute to physical and emotional conditions. EFT communicates with the amygdala in the brain to release stress and breaks the connection between specific triggers and the fight-or-flight response. If you are interested in reading the research studies that back EFT, visit the resources page.


EFT Tapping is an evidence-based strategy that calms the amygdala and nervous system while expanding the flow of energy through the mind-body system.

Ready to seek true happiness, peace and joy? Watch this seven minute Introduction to EFT, Gary Craig

EFT Universe, a great source to learn all about EFT and the tapping method.

“I absolutely love working with Victoria! I am an EFT tapper myself, and I am amazed by how she brilliantly weaves together PSYCH-K & EFT tapping. I feel safe opening up to her and am continuously impressed with how the results of our time together are lasting long-term. I felt a huge shift after just one session. I feel truly blessed to have found her and will book many more sessions with her in the future."